Full-Tunnel Mode: Only Tunnel with Local Proxy (Packet Filter Based)
Split-Tunnel Mode: Either Tunnel with Local Proxy (Packet Filter Based) or Tunnel (Packet Filter Based).
Only Tunnel with Local Proxy (Packet Filter Based)
Tunnel (Route Based)
Tunnel (Route Based)
Things to take note for iOS and Android:
If we have ZCC installed on Android, any VPN installed will not work. As on Android platform will treat ZCC as a VPN service and only one VPN service can run on a device at a time. And for iOS platform, the ZCC will work as an enterprise VPN so any other enterprise VPN will not work. However if any other personal or per-app VPN can work. this is because the iOS platform allows multiple VPNs to run simultaneously, as long as each VPN is of a different type, personal, per-app, or enterprise. In addition, as long as the ZCC services are allowed and the additional VPN will not cause any issue with ZCC.